By AECC Global Malaysia on Friday, 11 June 2021
Category: General

SPM Results Are Out! What Should I Do Next?

Congratulations on successfully completing your SPM exam! It's a remarkable achievement. Now that you have received your SPM results, it's time to take a breather and celebrate your accomplishment. However, it's natural to start pondering about what to do after SPM. In this blog, we will explore the exciting possibilities that lie ahead and provide guidance on what to do next!

Understanding Your Results

Once you receive your SPM results, it's essential to take the time to understand and interpret them correctly. The SPM grading system plays a crucial role in determining your future academic and career paths. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you comprehend your results:

Assessing Your Options

After receiving your SPM results, it's time to consider the range of exciting opportunities that lie ahead. Whether you're inclined towards pursuing higher education or exploring vocational training, here are some options to assess:

Types of Tertiary Education

What It Is


  • Shorter duration (1 year)
  • Have group assignment/projects/class tests
  • Course structure focuses on your chosen field for future degree


  • Longer duration (1.5 - 2 years)
  • 100% exam-based
  • Min. 3 subjects for university entry (fewer subjects to juggle)

International Baccalaureate (IB)

  • Longer duration (2 years)
  • Min. 6 subjects with wider range of elements

When assessing your options, consider your interests, strengths, career aspirations, and the resources available to you. Research different institutions, programs, and their entry requirements. Seek advice from academic advisors, professionals in your desired field, or alumni who can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Researching Institutions and Courses

If your plan is to do university programs or courses after receiving SPM results, it's crucial to conduct thorough research on institutions and courses to make informed decisions about your future studies. Here's a helpful guide to assist you in this process:

Seeking Professional Advice

When making important decisions about your career and education, seeking professional advice is invaluable. Professionals, such as career counsellors, academic advisors, or mentors, can provide expert guidance tailored to your unique circumstances. They possess in-depth knowledge of various industries, educational pathways, and emerging trends. Professional advice can help you clarify your goals, explore suitable options, and make informed choices.

These experts can offer insights, provide resources, and help you navigate challenges along the way. Don't underestimate the power of seeking professional advice, it can significantly impact your career and education journey, leading to better opportunities and fulfilling outcomes.

Making an Informed Decision

Before jumping into making any important decision after SPM Results, it is very important to know what are your needs and career plans. Taking into account factors such as personal development and skill building can help guide you toward a fulfilling path. Consider the following elements when making your decision:


If you already know where your interest lies, that’s great! Now get started on deciding upon a course and your desired study abroad destination. The earlier you start planning, the easier your road will be ahead! Contact us right away!

Embarking on your study abroad journey after your SPM results? Contact AECC's education counsellors today to turn your dreams of studying abroad into a reality! Take the first step towards your international education and get in touch with us now.


  1. What are the benefits of pursuing higher education after SPM results?

Higher education expands career opportunities, deepens knowledge and skills, improves earning potential, fosters personal growth, enhances critical thinking, and provides a structured learning environment.

2. Are vocational courses a good option after SPM?

Vocational courses offer practical skills, specialised training, and quicker entry into the workforce, making them a viable option for those seeking specific career paths or prefer hands-on learning.

3. How can I explore different career options after SPM?

Explore career options through research, job shadowing, internships, informational interviews, online resources, career fairs, and guidance from professionals or career counsellors.

4.Should I seek professional advice for choosing my education and career path?

Yes, seeking professional advice provides expert guidance, personalised insights, and helps align your goals, interests, and skills with suitable educational and career paths.

5.Are there scholarships available for SPM graduates?

Yes, scholarships are available for SPM graduates. Many organisations, universities, and government agencies offer scholarships based on academic performance, financial need, merit, or specific criteria. Research and apply for scholarships that match your eligibility and field of study.

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