Part-time Jobs for Students studying in the USA


With a part-time job in hand, handling additional expenses will be a lot easier. This allows the students to take responsibility for their cost of living, and help manage their expenses better.

International students with F-1 visa can meet their financial needs by taking up on-campus part-time jobs. They are allowed to work up to 20 hours a week and up to 40 hours during course breaks. The good part is that the wage for on-campus ranges between $7 to $15 (which makes $600-$1200 a month), and could rise up to $1000 to $2400 during term breaks.

Apart from the educational aspect, the exposure to life and culture in a first world country like the United States, can evolve a person in many ways. For these reasons and more, students who dream to study abroad look at the USA as one of their first choice as it is worth all the time, effort and money they invest in their educational journey. More on Average Tuition Fee in USA.

Still have a lot of questions regarding study in USA? Contact us now to get FREE consultation!

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