Student Life in Canada: Everything You Ought to Know!


Life is all about keeping things balanced. As a student, it might feel like your one main goal is to accomplish and succeed in your education and exams while studying abroad. But hey, a little fun along the way hurts nobody, right? It’s so important to have an “It’s now or never!” attitude while studying abroad. With so many fun opportunities waiting to be explored, hiding behind the books and snoozing through your entire study period is, well, just a really bad idea.
If you are an international student aspiring to study in Canada, you should know this: there is absolutely NO shortage of things to do in Canada! The bilingual nature makes it a multicultural country with easy access to education and affordable living. And guess what? It is also one of the safest destinations for pursuing education for international students.
Here are some things you should know that will ease your transition into the Canadian way of life. 

Bilingual by Nature

When it comes to languages, we as Malaysians are considered quite talented, eh? Almost everyone knows how to speak at least 3 languages or even more. It's pretty similar in canada too! Do you know English and French are the national languages in Canada? Wow, hello and bonjour my friend! With many languages, religions and culture, after the arrival of many students and immigrants to Canada, it has become a multilingual country. 
As an international student in Canada, you will be surrounded by a number of people speaking different languages. This will serve as great exposure for you to learn new languages. Adding French into your language skills? Oui!  

Finding Your Home Away from Home

As an international student, one of the most challenging things is to figure out the accommodation part. But when in Canada, you won’t have to worry about it! While most international students prefer to live on-campus close to their classes and libraries, a few prefer to live away from the campus like in dormitories, by relying on public transit, walking, or using a vehicle to travel to and from universities. 
If you are being offered on-campus accommodation, you can benefit from a vibrant social life, easy access to the university, and guaranteed security. Even if you miss out on an on-campus accommodation, worry not! There are several fitting off-campus accommodations nearby all the universities, and you should be able to find one that suits your budget. On a positive note, living off-campus is a great way to live independently and discover the unique tapestry of different communities.
Find out more about accommodation cost in Canada HERE>>>

A Safe Haven for Students

Canada is a place where you can find some of the friendliest people in the world. You’re sure to find this popular opinion to be true when you get there. I mean, they would say sorry to you when you accidentally spill coffee on their shirt... 

Canadians are protective of the rights of other individuals. Individuals are not judged by their religious beliefs, sexual orientation or ethnicity, but rather by their character and actions. This also makes Canada one of the safest and student-friendly countries to live and study in. 
The country has a relatively high standard of living, and Canadians are extremely welcoming. According to the Global Peace Index 2020, Canada is listed as the 6th peaceful country across the globe. The country has been consistently ranked as one of the safest nations in the world. As an international student, you have the advantage of enjoying the same rights as any other Canadian.

They’re BIG on Tech

The tech industry in Canada is booming. In the last two years alone, a new streamlined visa in Canada has brought in more than 40,000 tech workers from around the world. Woah! Looks like the country is hitting a big wave here! Wi-Fi is accessible virtually everywhere in the country. Unless your phone is out of battery, always remember to reply your boyfriend/girlfriend's text. No connection? You must be lying! For instance, Montreal has launched an initiative to provide free Wi-Fi across the city. This makes it easy to stay in touch with your family and companions.

In terms of Internet penetration rates, among G8 countries, Canada has taken the 2nd place. The digital industries like video games, telecommunications and aeronautical engineering hold a strong game. Moreover, through the innovative SchoolNet program, Canada was the 1st country to link its schools, universities and libraries to the Internet. 
Also, did you know? Almost 90% of Canadian households are connected to the Internet. Interesting isn’t it? Canadians rank 2nd across the globe for the average number of hours spent online per user (41.3 hours per month), according to the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA). 

Oh, the Weather!

While planning to study in Canada, you should be prepared to live in unique climatic conditions. When we say “unique”, trust us, it’s very very unique. Canada experiences warm summers to very cold winters every year. 

During summers the temperature goes up to 30°C. On the other side, during winter, the climate of Canada changes upside down. The temperature reduces to a minimum of -20°C. So, people prefer to stay indoors during winter because of snowfall and snowstorms, where the height of snow will be up to 5 to 6 feet. Students may also find it difficult during the winters because of the extreme cold conditions. The best time to laze in the outdoors is the spring season. There’s this sweet swirl of chill breeze flowing around the country you just wouldn’t want to miss! 
However, the most beautiful season in Canada is Autumn. The light is pretty, and the transformation of the warm shades of the maple leaves is simply magical, making it an ideal time for shutterbugs to come out and immerse in breathtaking moments. So don’t forget to pack long pants, closed shoes, long sleeve shirts for summers and a good winter jacket, a hat, scarf, gloves, waterproof winter boots, etc., for winter and occasional rains. There is also a possibility to have a delay in some transportation facilities during winter months, so be prepared to know how to navigate through snow.

For a unique and friendly international student experience, with no second thoughts, you can easily make a choice to study in Canada! Keen on studying in Canada? Speak to us for more information and updates about studying in Canada here.

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